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- Google Docs: add citations and bibliography tutorial
- Microsoft Word Citation Manager (video & step-by-step tutorial)
- Exercise (crash course video)
- Procrastination (crash course video)
- File Folder Organization System Example
- Note Taking (crash course video)
- Planning and Organization (video)
- Pomodoro Technique-- Time Management (video)
- Time Management (video)
- Information Literacy User's Guide (textbook)
- Online Research Assignments Teaching Toolkit
- Research Skills Resources (resource list)
- Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers (textbook)
- Studying for Exams (crash course video)
- Test Anxiety (crash course video)
- Crash Course: Fast Guides to Electives and Majors (video series)
- Crash Course: How to College (video series)
- Crash Couse: Study Skills (video series)