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American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933-1955
American Doctoral Dissertations 1933-1955 is the digital version of the print index, Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities (DDAAU). The database is searchable by fields that include dissertation title, author and school.
note: Full-text of the dissertations is not available in this resource. Contact the library for assistance in requesting a copy.
Open Access Theses & Dissertations Some full text available aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. To the extent possible, the index is limited to records of graduate-level theses that are freely available online.
ProQuest Open Access Dissertations and Theses Some full text available
ProQuest provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. Select "Dissertations & Theses" from the Content dropdown and search to locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline.
note: Trinity does not have a subscription to this resource, so only Open Access materials are available.