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Journal Articles

MLA International Bibliography with Full Text Restricted Resource Some full text available
Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), the MLA International Bibliography is the definitive index for the study of language, literature, linguistics, rhetoric and composition, folklore, and film, covering scholarly publications from the early 20th century to the present.


Drama Online Restricted Resource Some full text available
Drama Online is an award-winning digital library from Bloomsbury, the world's leading drama publisher. Drama Online includes playtexts and scholarly material.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. And you can connect to the library for full text links to show up right there in Google!
Humanities Source Ultimate Restricted Resource Some full text available
Humanities Source Ultimate presents a rich collection of 1,787 active full-text humanities journals, surpassing any other database of its kind in terms of peer-reviewed content. It encompasses all aspects of the humanities.
Literary Reference Source (K-12) Restricted Resource Some full text available
Literary Reference Source is a rich full-text literary database covering all genres and time periods. It includes thousands of synopses, critical essays, book reviews, literary journals and author biographies, plus full-text classic novels, short stories and poems. 
Novelist Plus Restricted Resource
NoveList Plus helps readers find books that perfectly match their reading preferences and moods. The NoveList Plus database is powered by experts. They identify unique story elements that make results relevant and exciting and provide additional information to enrich the results.     
Oxford Academic Restricted Resource Some full text available
Full-text ebooks and articles published by university presses on a wide variety of subjects, including history, political science, sociology, and literature. Hosted by Oxford University Press.
Women's Studies International Restricted Resource Some full text available
Women’s Studies International is a bibliographic database for women’s studies and feminist research. Providing indexing and abstracts for hundreds of publications, it is a valuable resource for many disciplines, including sociology, history, international relations and humanities. 
Academic Search Complete Restricted Resource Some full text available
Index and full text of magazines, newspapers, reports, conference proceedings, and scholarly journals in a wide variety of disciplines.
DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals Some full text available
DOAJ is a database of open access, peer-reviewed journals.
JSTOR Restricted Resource Some full text available
An electronic repository of full-text journals in a variety of disciplines, JSTOR includes the full text of journals starting from the origin of their publication, but often does not have the most recent 2-5 years.

Publications in the Field

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Reference Materials

Oxford English Dictionary Online Restricted Resource Some full text available
The complete Oxford English Dictionary online (OED).
Encyclopedia of Post-colonial Literatures in English
Print Location: PR9080.A52 E53 2005
This encyclopedia loosely refers to writing affected by the process of colonization. Bangladesh, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Malta, and Sri Lanka are only a few of the countries included. Individual writers, national literary developments, and major genres that provide a cross-cultural view are all assessed. Entries on individuals include a short identifier, coverage of works, and biography, and for most a brief bibliography that makes further exploration of little-known authors easier. The entries on the national literary movements and the genres are lengthy and include a bibliography.

Primary Sources

Black Thought and Culture Restricted Resource Some full text available
Black Thought and Culture is a landmark electronic collection of approximately 100,000 pages of non-fiction writings by major American black leaders--teachers, artists, politicians, religious leaders, athletes, war veterans, entertainers, and other figures--covering 250 years of history.
Frederick Douglass Newspapers, 1847 to 1874 Some full text available Resource contains images
This online collection presents newspapers edited by Frederick Douglass (1818-1895), the African American abolitionist who escaped slavery and became one of the most famous orators, authors, and journalists of the 19th century.
Library of Congress Manuscript Collections Some full text available Resource contains images
The Manuscript Division's holdings, approximately sixty million items in eleven thousand separate collections, include some of the greatest manuscript treasures of American history and culture and support scholarly research in many aspects of political, cultural, and scientific history. Materials include Frederick Douglass papers, Thomas Jefferson papers, James Madison papers, and slave narratives, among many others.
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 Restricted Resource Some full text available Resource contains images
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 brings together primary documents, books, images, scholarly essays, book reviews, Web site reviews, and teaching tools, all documenting the multiplicity of women’s activism in public life.