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more information Some full text availablePaperity
Multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers. Coverage in Sciences, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences, and Humanities and Arts.
more information Restricted Resource Some full text availablePhilosopher's Index with Full Text
Index to journals in philosophy with full text.
more information Some full text availablePhilSci Archive
Welcome to PhilSci-Archive, an electronic archive for preprints in the philosophy of science. PhilSci-Archive invites submissions in all areas of philosophy of science, including general philosophy of science, philosophy of particular sciences (physics, biology, chemistry, psychology, etc.), feminist philosophy of science, socially relevant philosophy of science, history and philosophy of science and history of the philosophy of science.
more information Some full text availablePQDT Open
Note: Trinity does not have a subscription to this resource, so only Open Access materials are available.
ProQuest provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. Select "Dissertations & Theses" from the Content dropdown and search to locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline.
more information Some full text availablePrimary Search
Index and full-text magazines for elementary schoolers. Includes reading level indicators (Lexile numbers).
more information ProCon.org
ProCon.org's purpose is to provide resources for critical thinking and to educate without bias. They research issues that are controversial and important, and attempt to present them in a balanced, comprehensive, straightforward, transparent, and primarily pro-con format.
more information Restricted Resource Some full text availableProfessional Development Collection
This database focuses on practical concerns for practicing teachers and is a good place to look for information to help you apply research in your classroom.
more information Some full text availableProQuest Open Access Dissertations and Theses
Note: Trinity does not have a subscription to this resource, so only Open Access materials are available.
ProQuest provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. Select "Dissertations & Theses" from the Content dropdown and search to locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline.
more information Restricted Resource Some full text availablePsycINFO
Index and full text of journal articles, book chapters, full books, dissertations, and technical reports in psychology and related fields.
more information PubMed
PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 18 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to 1948. PubMed includes links to some free full text articles and other related resources.
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Some full text available = Some full text
openURL = OpenURL enabled

Resource contains images = Images
Resource contains video = Video files
Resource contains audio = Audio files